With the arrival of COVID-19 in Canada, life changed. The last time we worshipped together in person was Sunday March 8th 2020
At Westside, our Purpose Statement says: LIVING IN CHRIST: COMMITTED TO LOVE
It continues to say: With the help of God, we will
During this time of social distancing with our church building is closed, we have to rethink how we do things. Today, April 9, our prime minister revealed that it's going to take much longer than any of us want before we can resume life as we know it.
But God is still with us - we continue to be followers of the risen Christ. We're just learning to worship and gather for prayer and learning in different ways.
Easter will still come - COVID-19 can't stop us from celebrating the resurrection!
So let us pray for inspired imaginations - to find new ways to use the "strength and passion of our faith" to serve, pray, worship, and love.
May God bless you richly this Easter and always!
Pastor Ann