Below you will find the results of our two worship related questions in the recent congregation survey.

  1)   When Eastern Synod lifts guidance against churches meeting, which best describes your attitude toward returning to a worship service at church?      

16% (9 people) said: I will return the first opportunity we have.

21% (12 people) said: I will return at first opportunity but with some concerns and precautions.

             Together that is 37% of respondents or 21 people who will return.            

11% (6 people) said: I will wait several additional weeks before I attend.

38% (21 people) said: It may be quite a while before I return.

14% (8 people) said: Not sure  

5)   When Synod lifts its guidance against public gatherings, which of the following would you prefer for our church?

61% (34 people) said: Resume in person worship services and continue on-line worship

20% (11 people) said: Continue on-line worship only

14% (8 people) said: Not sure  

Here is a sampling of comments received:

I really like the idea of an in person service AND the zoom or youtube service also. That way, nobody gets left out.

Until the pandemic resolves I will not be attending in person. My other comments were simply a thank you to all involved in the zoom services. I am very grateful and will plan to take part as often as I am able. 

I appreciate all of the hard work that is going into our return to worship but my reluctance is based solely on medical conditions. 

Worship: what do you prefer for our church – not sure – whatever you as a committee deem is going to meet the needs of the congregation based on responses to this survey.  We trust your leadership in making this decision.

I do not like the Amber Stage. When I wear my glasses and a mask I cannot see anything. I am having enough trouble in the stores. I think we should continue with zoom or any other electronic programs until we can move to the green stage. It is not safe for big gatherings even with masks etc. 

*  *  *

Safety is a big concern for all of us, especially as the number of COVID cases climbs.  I will ask the worship/tech team each week if they are comfortable being in the sanctuary.  I will ask myself that same question.

I think that most of us have learned - perhaps to our surprise! - that worship through a screen can still feel like worship.  We hear God's holy word, we pray together, we listen to our wonderful Buelow family play and sing, and we can sing along.  We get to see each other's faces.  It is a faithful way to worship.

We will continue to work toward Thanksgiving Sunday as our return date to the sanctuary - knowing full well that COVID in the community may halt that.  But we will be back some day. 

God is with us!


Pastor Ann